I 've read many blogs for a week, to find a way so my Ubuntu would be able detecting my friend's modem (Haier CE682 from Smartfren - Indonesia). It (still) didn't work for me. Until I 've tried this way (on my netbook and my friend's PC, with Ubuntu 10.04, 11.04 and 12.04) :
- Assume, we have downloaded wvdial.
- From Terminal (console) type : lsusb
find the location of your modem (example: 201e:1022) - From Terminal (console) type: sudo gedit /etc/modules
- Add this script to that file:
usbserial vendor=0x201e product=0x1022 - Save and close that file.
- type : sudo gedit /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf
- Add this script:
DefaultVendor = 0x201e
DefaultProduct = 0×1022
TargetVendor = 0x201e
TargetProduct = 0×1022
- Save and close that file.
- type : sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-haier-ce682.rules
- Add this script:SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, SYSFS{idVendor}==”201e”,
SYSFS{idProduct}==”1022″, RUN+=”/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch --default-vendor 0x201e --default-product 0×1022 --message-content 5553424312345678c00000008000069f030000000000000000000000000000″ - Save and close that file.
- type : sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
- Add this script:
[Dialer smart]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Command Line = ATDT
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = #777
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Username = smart
Password = smart
Baud = 460800 - Save and close that file.
- May be we have to change a ttyUSB0 to another (ttyUSB1, etc), if needed. To find a modem location try : sudo /etc/wvdialconf
- Plug a modem
the modem lamp will on, but not blinking. We should plug a modem before a computer being on. - Shutdown Ubuntu, and restart.
- type : sudo eject /dev/sr1 (if doesn't have CD-ROM type sudo eject /dev/sr0)
The modem lamp will blinking slowly. It had not been detected as modem yet. - Restart computer (do not shutdown) and do not unplug the modem.
- The modem lamp will blinking fast, it should be a modem mode.
- From Terminal (console) type : sudo wvdial smart
- Open the browser, I hope it work.