Thursday, October 3, 2013


- download derby.jar (database library).
- download sample database (Java DB - Apache Derby GoogleDrive page, choose menu: File -> Download. This file contain database=DANIANI_DB; user=daniani_user; password=daniani_pwd; schema=SCH. Then extract it in a certain location.

  1. Run i-Report application
  2. Click menu Window - Services

  3. Right click Drivers node, select New Driver...

  4. Click Add button, then search derby.jar.

  5. We 'll see there is a new driver, then right click, select Connect Using...
  6. Search the Derby database location, for example (case-sensitive) database name = DANIANI_DB, user = daniani_user, password = daniani_pwd

  7. On tab Advanced, select schema to SCH (my schema).

  8. The connection has been built. Double click the connection then rightclick PARENT table, choose view data ...

  9. On toolbar click Datasource button.

  10. Choose Netbeans Database JDBC connection

  11. set Name = whatever (example: DDA), and choose Connection.

  12. We 'll see, then Close.

  13. The datasource 'll be shown. This step for our next discussion about i-Report.